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Grass & Gravel - Places to Fly

Ram Falls Maintenance


The Ram Falls Airstrip is one of many former Alberta Forest Service Airstrips scattered throughout remote areas of Alberta. These Airstrips were abandoned by the AFS in the mid 1990s. Most are now overgrown and unusable. A few like Ram Falls were adopted and maintained by various flying clubs.


Since 2002 the Red Deer Flying Club, with assistance from the Lacombe Flying Club and Innisfail Flying Club, has maintained the Ram Falls Airstrip for use by the recreational aviation community. Initially the airstrip was maintained through annual licences of occupation from Alberta Sustainable Resources and since 2009, when the airstrip was included in the new Ram Falls Provincial Park, through annual maintenance agreements and flight permits issued by Alberta Parks Division.


Ram Falls Airstrip is an unregistered facility restricted to non commercial use. The area is environmentally sensitive. Procedures suggested in COPA Places to Fly are recommended. Ram Falls is a high altitude mountain airstrip. Appropriate aircraft performance and pilotexperience are required.



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