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Ram Falls

The Ram Falls Airstrip is one of many former Alberta Forest Service Airstrips scattered throughout remote areas of Alberta. These Airstrips were abandoned by the AFS in the mid 1990s. Most are now overgrown and unusable. A few like Ram Falls were adopted and maintained by various flying clubs.


Special Information:

Please do not park in front of the Alberta Forestry fuel tank near the threshold of Rwy 26 as helicopters frequently refuel there. 

After returning from Ram Falls we encourage all pilots to document the experience, as regular utilization bodes well for continued renewal of our access agreement with Alberta Parks. 

Please email the date, aircraft registration, # of aircraft and any other comments including strip condition to

Please click the following link for further details on this Parks Canada Airstrip:


Ram Falls News

Ram Falls Maintenance

August 04, 2016

A few hours later and our Ram Falls airstrip is in awesome condition. On August 4th, 2016 the airstrip was freshly mowed and it's ready for visitors!

Visiting Ram Falls

August 22, 2016

A fellow aviator visited our Ram Falls landing strip and gave fantastic feedback on his experience:

"Just wanted to say a thank you to the Red Deer Flying club for making the Ram Falls airstrip available for some of us little airplane guys.  My trip from Lloydminster on Sunday in the Citabria was a blast and the runway could not have been in better shape.  I met the pilots of the Pacer just by chance and, not surprisingly, it turns out we have a bunch of mutual friends in the aviation world.  If you or any of your members are in Lloydminster for anything feel free to give me a call and maybe I can return the favor."

Garnet Weaver

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Ram Falls Contacts

Jim Thoreson

Tel: 403-391-2140

​​Bert Lougheed
Tel: 403-350-5511

Darryl Wolter

Tel: 403-304-9900

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